
Design has always been a passion of mine. I love to take all sorts of information and make it memorable. Whether I’m working on a piece for a client or a personal project, I make an effort to create a little each day.


I graduated from Thomas Nelson Community College with my Associate of Applied Science in Graphic and Media Design in May 2018. After earning my diploma, I applied to different areas that were looking for beginner designers. While I waited, I continued to make personal projects that involved my hobbies: cooking, video games, and pets to name a few. As the weeks went by, some people questioned if I was happy with my career choice. What exactly do you do? You should get a real job. I took their comments with a grain of salt and kept pushing forward.


In December 2018, I received an email from a company saying that I was accepted into their paid internship program. A new chapter of my life had just begun and I was ecstatic. I’m so thankful for all of the continued support from my family and friends. Design will always be a part of my life and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.


In my Portfolio, you’ll find a collection of works I’ve done over the years. They range from illustrations, photography, and typography.


If you have any questions, feel free to Contact me.